How To Handle Psoriasis In Sensitive Areas Using UVB Light Therapy

by | Jun 10, 2024

People who suffer from psoriasis often have red, scaly patches on their skin. The disease often affects sensitive areas like the scalp, face, and skin folds, causing itch, pain, and often embarrassment. Treating this skin condition is important. If not treated promptly, it could turn into a more severe condition. 

Utilising UVB lamps for psoriasis treatment is a well-known option that uses ultraviolet B light to reduce symptoms. It’s a safe and effective method for managing psoriasis, especially for sensitive areas. This blog will explore how UVB light therapy can be effectively used to handle psoriasis in sensitive areas, providing a detailed overview and practical advice. 

Understanding Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin condition in which skin cells grow rapidly because of immune system activity. Its symptoms include:

  • Red patches covered with thick, silvery scales
  • Dry, cracked skin that may bleed
  • Itching, burning, or soreness

It can affect sensitive areas like the scalp, face, genitals, and armpits, posing specific challenges. Its causes include genetic factors and environmental triggers such as stress, infections, and certain medications. Understanding these triggers can help manage the condition effectively. 

Understanding UVB Light Therapy

UVB therapy uses ultraviolet B light to treat skin conditions. The controlled exposure of UVB light to skin slows skin cell growth, reduces inflammation, and relieves symptoms like itching and redness. This therapy can be used to treat conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo by reducing inflammation and slowing abnormal skin cell growth.

Types of UVB Light Therapy


  • Narrowband UVB:

    It uses a specific wavelength (311-313 nm). It is more effective with fewer sessions required and also reduces potential side effects.


  • Broadband UVB:

    It uses a wider range of wavelengths. It is less effective than narrowband, which is typically used if narrowband isn’t available.

Preparing for UVB Light Therapy


  • Consulting a Dermatologist:

    Before you start any treatment plan, it is important that you get professional guidance. A dermatologist can assess your skin condition, medical history and suitability for treatment. During the consultation, you can talk about symptoms, previous treatments and the benefits of a UVB therapy lamp for psoriasis


  • Patch Testing:

    Patch testing is performed to decide if your skin is sensitive to UVB light or the medications that will be used during treatment. Small patches of different strengths of UVB light or medication are applied to your skin to observe any reactions it has on your skin.


  • Getting the Equipment:

    This treatment can be taken in clinics or at home using UVB light units, which your dermatologist can prescribe. These units emit the specific wavelength of UVB light needed for treatment. Handheld UVB light for psoriasis is also available to target specific areas, such as the scalp or joints affected by psoriasis.

Using UVB Light Therapy at Home

To use a UVB light device at home for psoriasis treatment, follow these steps:

  • Preparation: Ensure the device is set up correctly and positioned at the recommended distance from your skin.
  • Treatment Area: Expose the affected areas of your skin to the UVB light, keeping unaffected areas covered.
  • Treatment Time: As advised by your dermatologist, start with a short exposure time and gradually increase it as tolerated.
  • Protection: Wear protective eyewear and cover areas not being treated to prevent overexposure.
  • Timing: Use the device at the same time each day for consistency and effectiveness.
  • Post-Treatment Care: Moisturise your skin after treatment to prevent dryness. Monitor your skin closely after starting the treatment and look for how it is reacting to it. 

Precautions to Take

    • Protect your eyes with UV-blocking goggles while taking treatment.
    • Cover areas that are not being treated to avoid overexposure.
    • Avoid excessive exposure.
    • Follow the suggested treatment schedule provided by your dermatologist.

Monitoring Progress and Side Effects

It is advised to keep a treatment diary to monitor your treatment progress when you are taking home UV treatment for psoriasis. Note down each UVB therapy session, including its duration and effects. Record any improvement in skin, if any. If your skin, however, look out for these common side effects, discussed below:   

Common Side Effects

  • Temporary redness
  • Itching
  • Dryness of the skin

If you see any of these side effects, you are advised to see your dermatologist.

Tips for Managing Psoriasis in Sensitive Areas

  • Managing psoriasis in sensitive areas requires a gentle approach to skincare. Use mild, fragrance-free soaps and moisturisers to keep your skin hydrated and avoid triggering irritation.
  • Identify and avoid the factors that trigger the condition, such as harsh chemicals and stressful situations, as they can worsen symptoms. 
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, consistent exercise routine, and stress management can help with psoriasis.  
  • Consult with your dermatologist for personalised advice and treatment options tailored to your specific needs.

When to Seek Further Help

If you start experiencing symptoms of psoriasis worsening despite following your treatment plan, it is important that you seek further help. If you develop new symptoms and any kind of side effects, or if your psoriasis starts to impact your daily life, consult your dermatologist. They can adjust your treatment or recommend alternative therapies to better manage your condition.


UVB light therapy is an effective treatment option for managing psoriasis, especially in sensitive areas. By understanding how UVB therapy works, preparing for treatment, and monitoring progress, individuals can effectively manage their condition. 

Skin Matters offers UVB light therapy devices that can be used at home, providing you with convenience and comfort. If you’re struggling to manage psoriasis, consider incorporating UVB therapy into your treatment plan. 




Are There Any Long-term Side Effects?

It is important that you consult your dermatologist or healthcare provider before you start UVB treatment. They can design a treatment plan that fits your needs perfectly and guide you to avoid any long-term side effects, such as skin ageing and an increased risk of skin cancer.

How much does UVB treatment cost?

The cost of UVB treatment varies widely, generally ranging from $100 to $200 per session, depending on the healthcare provider and location. Insurance may cover some costs.

Is UVB Light Therapy Safe for Children?

UVB light therapy is considered safe for children, but it requires careful supervision and adjustment of doses by a specialist to minimise potential side effects.

How Long Does It Take to See Results from UVB Light Therapy?

Results from UVB light therapy can typically be seen after several weeks of treatment. Consistency and sticking to the prescribed treatment are key to achieving effective outcomes.